Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"curiouser and curiouser"

i'm not talking about alice in wonderland, but the italy vs. australia game.

a friend texted me seconds after the whistle was blown (i didn't hear the whistle to be honest, it was drowned in the lunatic screaming by the cctv commentator--he actually qualified for everything but a commentator), kind enough to share her excitements. i was playing the fun-spoiler by replying: his comment was rubbish, the penalty was highly debatable.

i obviously succeeded in irritating her, who texted back "i don't care" when i suggested that she might want to check out what the overseas media are saying. interestingly, the international media was less gentle than my judgement on the referee, probably they are not all english and don't bother shooting for understatements. "controversial", "dubiously given", "litigieux', "peu evident", "généreux" sont les mots frequents.

Desole, ma cherie, mais le penalty EST vraiment litigieux et trop genereux.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ecuador deserve to lose

英国病人 @ 2006-06-26 00:54

but england don't deserve to win. in football quality terms, this is a game as bad as you can get. How much more negative can you go, from both sides?

though he scored a good free-kick, david beckham is still rubbish. why the untouchables? when he was already panting as a dog in mid-summer sun, why not giving lennon more minutes?

frank lampard is not only as wasteful as anyone, he's also an extremely selfish bastard: you never get a pass back from him even if you're a million times better positioned. however on two occasions when he should have attempted on goal, he unexplicably delivered wayward passes!

sven goren eriksson does live up to his name of the most conservative manager. what the heck are you doing by taking off joe cole and putting on carra? when rooney could hardly walk, why still leaving him up front alone without giving crouch a running out?

rio ferdinand can go home too. those failed clearances, my god!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

stevie g the saviour

...yet again, but for england this time.

while michael owen's woes continued.

though i never rated him as high as robbie, and never thought he was as "red" at heart as robbie or stevie or carra, it is sad to see his world cup dream ending in such a fashion. only when you see him playing on the pitch can you realise how pacey he is. england have been fortunate that he doesn't play for another country.

good luck, michael. thank you for all the goals you have scored for liverpool and england!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Liverpool 2:0 Trinidad & Tobago

a much improved game. a cynical comment after last match was: we could only get better from there.

anyway, it was the liverpool duo who spared england the embarrassment. a text message from a friend shortly after the final whistle: 你队今天风头很健啊




Stevie Gerrard Gerrard,
He passes from 40 yard,
He split the defence apart
Stevie Gerrard Gerrard

Stevie Gerrard Gerrard
He is better than Frank Lampard
he is big and fucking hard
Stevie Gerrard Gerrard

Sunday, June 11, 2006

what a dreaful match!

could well be ranked one of the worst games i ever watched england playing.

stevie g's yellow card summed it all.

sven goren eriksson is a heap of 4 million pounds a year rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 4, 2006



“一次 再一次 永远 总是
一次 又一次 永远 总是
只是不知道 那究竟要等到

半 个月前的5月16日,所有中国的官方媒体对于40年前这一天发生在这片土地上的事情都没有一点声音。好在不是所有的世人都那么健忘--主动的也好,被动的 也好--BBC当天曾发了一篇文章“纪念”与“提醒”;我相信昨天看到的那位前法国外交官的摄影展也不是碰巧这个时间举办;走进海外的书店,各种文字-- 包括中文--的研究与记录这一题目的书籍一直残忍地丰富着。


两 年前在里斯本的广场上跟一群英格兰球迷一起庆祝,大家都已经喝的半醉了,其中一个明显是工人阶级的哥们突然抱住我大声说:We all remember Tiananmen. There will be a time when those dead's names will be restored, and they will not die in vain. 当时眼泪一下涌上来,不过还是忍住了,因为当众流泪不够酷,尤其是在英国人面前。



“而今我知道 而今我相信

Saturday, June 3, 2006



前天晚上S说,来北京之后的几个 周末过得挺开心,可是没什么意义,这个周末咱们做点什么有意义的事情吧。于是,昨晚下班回到家,趁该同学在美容院醉生梦死之际,我开始上下求索怎样的周末 才算有意义。回想前几个周末除了吃吃喝喝就是陪她买漂亮衣服,如此看来这些口腹与体肤的享受最多是开心的层次。可见,虽然文学女青年已经堕落成了城市白领 外企雇员,其精神层面的追求还是没有妥协的。

网上网下搜了一通,决定今天去闻名遐迩的798厂,亦获S首肯。虽然几年前7200的产品发 布会在这里举行,此后也曾去过几回,却都是去赴酒和饭的约,从来没有真正去欣赏过使得这片厂房闻名的原因。今日得见于我实在是大开眼界。此处各种千奇百怪 的画廊林立,恐怕已远不止百家在争鸣。第一个吸引我的是一位前法国驻华使馆官员在1966年的北京拍的照片,真实再现了那个癫狂年代街头的一系列癫狂举 止。还赶上了一家摄影展的开幕酒会,S说一张老太太怀抱十字架的照片很打动她。楼上还展出了那张著名的希望工程大眼睛女孩。

在我们都感到 有些疲惫的时候经过了一家服装店,S马上来了精神,盘桓多时之后终于买下一件:如果不是这家店不收信用卡可能买下的就不是一件了。随后心满意足的在一家小 咖啡厅喝了点东西。我在看免费的Time Out,她在看店里的时尚杂志,结果居然有一篇文章里有大佑的访问:他说,配偶确实是影响创作。S毫不犹豫的把自己停止写小说的原因归结到我身上,令我顿 感自己实在是中国当代文学不昌盛的罪魁。


对于我,到目前为止有意义的周末还不错,不过更有意义的是晚上的比赛:England v Jamaica。