Friday, August 2, 2013

Hogwarts revisited, or Baker Street redux?

So, hands up first: I was one of those brainless snobs who only picked up this book after the true authorship was revealed.  I certainly have felt too old and too busy to be bothered with any new fictions since finishing the last one quiet a few years ago, which happened to be “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

“The Cuckoo’s Calling” is a well woven story, though I would agree with the editor who turned down the book when it was submitted as a debut by “Robert Galbraith”, that it was “well written but quiet”.  There are a few points that strike me as “different” from a typical “detective story” yet so Rowling-esque at the same time, though they didn’t give the game away.  Her lawyers did.

Anyway, to start with, the author is clearly too literarily cultivated to just provide a gripping plot.  How often do we see detective stories quoting Vigil and Horace, in Latin?  Rowling, at some interview, did claim that she was one of the few who managed to put her training in classics to proper use.  This is another indication that she can’t completely stay away from her “roots”.

A lesser point, the author wouldn’t be happy with just naming her characters merely common “Kevin” and “James”.  If the unusual first names have been more becoming in a world of wizards and witches, they are surely meant to achieve some special effect too in a story about the “muggles” set in modern day London (almost modern day, Gordon Brown was still the PM)? But, to my untrained eyes, this isn’t obvious, except on two insignificant occasions when the protagonist’s name first became a constant target of ridicule when he was young, we were told retrospectively, then it was wrongly called in an almost comic way in the hospital at the end of the book.

Yet, there are also something too predictable.  It becomes so obvious so early on that Robin would stay as Strike’s sidekick at the end.  Actually it’s made clearer every time we’re reminded that she will leave soon.  And the author even goes out of the way to allude the Batman connotation at their very first meeting, as if she were afraid the readers didn’t get the point.   And it becomes almost Hollywoodian when Robin’s heroics came to the last minute rescue at the culmination of the story.

Despite the predictabilities and occasionally over-elaborate descriptions of trivialities, however, I was still glued to the book, and managed to finish it within two days on top of all the daily chores a working father had to attend to.  In addition to the plot which I found gripping enough, and the prose which I enjoyed, the context of the setting repeated stirred an almost nostalgic, personal reverberation in me: ULU (frequented the bar), SOAS (never went in but passed by on so many days), Charing Cross Road (interesting that, with the sketch of the guitar shop and so on, Rowling didn’t mention anything of the second hand bookshops), Wong Kei (went with a group of friends to enjoy the humiliating service the restaurant is known, and loved, for), The Tottenham (downed more than a few pints), etc., etc.. Rowling is apparently a fan of this area, sending Harry, Ron and Hermione to fend the dementors when they were having a cup of cappuccino in a coffee shop in Tottenham Court Road.

Just like “Harry Potter” would never escape from being compared with “Lord of the Rings”, Cormoran and Robin will be judged vis-à-vis Sherlock and John, if more stories will come to develop a series, which Rowling promises they will.  With a talent that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wouldn’t be too humiliated to be compared with, and with a marketing capacity and capability second to none, you never know, J K Rowling might be able to turn Denmark Street into another shrine just like Baker Street in the last 120 years.  She only needs to give Strike’s office a fictional street number.  221B, however sincere a homage it might be, would be too archaic and, yes, “predictable”.  How does 9 ¾ sound? 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


曾经听有识之士说好书要先读厚,然后再读薄。那些不算好书的书呢?很多书本来就不值得写那么厚----其实很多书本来就不值得写, full stop。写那么厚无非是为了订高价找个理由----不管作者的版税是不是捐掉,或者捐多少,出版商是肯定要先赚到再说。

不值得花功夫读,又想了解书的主要内容,一个办法就是别人读了讲给你大意。Tony Blair的回忆录洋洋洒洒600多页,我不会读更不会买了读。多谢《金融时报》的博客作者替我们读了,而且替我们读的很薄了。总结下来这600多页的内容主要是这么五点:

The first MP I ever met was Michael Spicer, who was introduced to me by my father. He and my father were both Tories, and I admired them, but I soon realised they were wrong.

I began to have premonitions, and realised it was my duty – my destiny – to lead the Labour party and the country. I changed the party, I made us electable and I defeated the Tories. For my first act in power, I decided to make the Bank of England independent. Gordon might tell you it was his idea, but he is wrong.

In the early days, Gordon was my friend, my rock, my lover. I wooed him when I ran for leader but we soon began to have tiffs. He did not support me as he should have and he did not really back public sector reform. He was wrong.

I learned about liberal interventionism from watching Schindler’s List, an amazing film, as I told Steven Spielberg. It was from watching this that I realised we had to invade Iraq. I cry myself to sleep thinking about the deaths that war has triggered but I cannot apologise, because I was not wrong.

I am not backing anyone in the leadership election, but I can tell you this: Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham, Ed Balls and Ed Miliband – they are all wrong.

到这,我只能说:What a waste of paper!


Friday, October 8, 2010




1940年8月,在赢得"Battle of Britain"的胜利之后,邱吉尔曾经这样评价皇家空军:"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." 假如有朝一日中国也能从野蛮进化到文明,晓波和其他那些铁窗内和铁窗外的勇士们就是我们的The Few;千年以后人们在评价这段历史的时候也会说,Never in the struggle for freedom and dignity has so much been owed by a nation so big to so few.


好了,先放下千年以后的事,希望你能早点知道自己获奖的消息。This is your finest hour!

Saturday, June 5, 2010




Wednesday, June 2, 2010


前两天Tyler Cowen在博客上贴了一段Mick Jagger谈音乐人很难再通过卖唱片赚钱的话----其实相似的内容晴朗同学更早的时候也贴过。当然这类自我宣判最早我是在2002年还是2003年“听”David Bowie说的。Anyway,本博的要点不在Jagger----我不粉The Stones,所以对Jagger的八卦除了他是LSE的校友以及据说曾被拍到同Marianne Faithfull小姐在派对上有过很香艳的画面以外就所知甚少了,也没什么兴趣。

He is also the primary datapoint for the observation that economists do it with models.
Posted by: Gut at May 27, 2010 10:08:24 AM

给R看这条,他笑翻了以后还以为是我跟的。我赶紧坦白I wish I could be so witty!我只有向这位Gut大师致敬的份。

估计跟贴的很多是The Stones的粉丝,后面又挖出了很多Jagger其他的八卦,不过都同香艳无关。比如我第一次知道他其实是个哈耶克分子。于是又引出了烂记者的一桩掌故:

I believe that when Jagger was on SNL he mentioned Hayek. I also vaguely remember the interviewer idiotically saying, "That means you're a Keynesian?"

Somebody post a link if you can show what really happened please...

Posted by: xxjjjnn at May 27, 2010 11:19:31 AM

前几天老罗痛斥拿了钱却不出力的记者人品不及妓女。其实不做家庭作业的烂记者哪里都有,上面这位就更糟糕一点,做娱乐节目挺好,干什么非要扮出懂经济学的样子呢?还是他在帮Ali G试水?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Churchill would be proud

邱吉尔自己评价1946年3月在密苏里Fulton的Westminster College的演讲是他在二战以后所有的演讲中最重要的。Then and there,他发明了一个此后全世界用了半个世纪的新词:iron curtain。


From Tehran on the Caspian, through Moscow and Beijing on the Eurasia plains, to Havana on the Caribbean, an iron curtain has descended across the cyber world. Behind that line lie some of the fastest growing economies and Internet hungry populations, but they lie in what I must call the Big Brother sphere.


Google vs. China的戏码有可能让我们骄傲的以为我们中国已经独步网络审查之天下,事实上只是吾道不孤而已。我们还有伊朗啊、也门啊、缅甸啊这样的竞争对手。如果仔细研究各个项目,我们并不是每个单项都领先。不过值得安慰的是我们总分第一,至少也是跟伊朗并列第一,金牌有你的一半,也有我的一半。不信看下面的积分榜和评委点评





我这里follow的博客很少,但链接上的都是我真正follow的,有朋友的,也有大师的,当然这些朋友本身也都是大师。近些天发现状况不大妙:自从被我链了以后,先是长平先生的博不能正常运行达数月之久,最近才刚刚恢复;接着FT的Lucy Kellaway搬了家;LSE的Buiter教授下海了,留了一句希腊文的告别,害得学生我要祭起Google Translate才看明白;连Becker教授自己的网站也被我链出了问题,只好搬回Chicago U.;最大的损失是沉老师竟然封了笔。



Monday, December 14, 2009




有一对夫妇本性善良、乐于助人,只是在信上帝这事上有点过了。他们不仅可以为了维护“上帝的话”同你辩论,而且是全无逻辑的辩论,比如同性恋是不是罪,他可以拿出随身携带的袖珍版圣经翻出某一“书”。发现该“书”讲的语焉不详的时候就会说要去查了英文版再说——其实他应该是去查希伯来文版才对。最不能容忍的是他们不放弃任何convert我们的机会。With some hindsight,我甚至怀疑我们住在公寓的时候有人来敲门传教派发中文资料,是否信息就是他们传递给教会的,否则怎么一个楼里那么多家,传教士可以准确的找上我们?

前几天他们说要请我们圣诞夜去他们家里聚会,我本无所谓,可是后来他们透露给WK姑娘,那天晚上是个宗教聚会,这不是明摆着要改造我们么?WK姑娘不好意思直接说不去,就琢磨是不是告诉他们她信佛。我是不会去的,要不然去了还得带礼物,很烦的。当然了,如果非去不可我倒是也有现成的礼物:既然基督徒们都爱读"The Book",咱们就送他们books: Richard Dawkins的"The God Delusion"、Sam Harris的"The End of Faith"加上Jason Long的"Biblical Nonsense"正好是一个trinity,不过跟他们的trinity不同,这个是unholy trinity。如果这些还不够,就再加一本Christopher Hitchens的"God Is Not Great"作为bonus----Hitchens在开篇给天主教会的历史成就所做的总结其实可以概括基督教的各个流派:no kids' back left----我承认我不纯洁。


Sunday, December 13, 2009


刚刚看到Paul Samuelson教授去世的消息,在此献上一个晚辈由衷的悼念。

不知道现在中国的大学课程状况如何了。我们这个年龄在中国学西方经济学的大抵都是从读高鸿业先生翻译的萨缪尔森的《经济学》开始的。记得我们上第一节经济学课的时候,那位耶鲁来的看上去60开外的老先生一上来就是价格数量两个轴、供给需求两条曲线,加上一个我们从没听说过的英文词equilibrium,同高考时候背过的政治经济学完全不搭界。我们这一帮刚刚搞明白How are you和How old are you区别的毛头小子彻底蒙了。下了课大家纷纷骑自行车直奔王府井的商务印书馆,斥“巨资”购进两大本萨教授的教材,同是也记住了高鸿业先生的名字。从此这两本书成了我们经济学课的预习和复习材料,课上即使听不懂老先生英文讲座的某些内容,课下还可以照着笔记对照中文书来搞明白。

毕业以后某年,还抽空翻看过英文版,不过好像没有读完。再后来就更多的是读Buchanan, Stigler这些本专业大佬们的书了。再后来几次搬家,萨老先生的书也不知留在哪里了。


Rsest in peace, Professor Samuelson!

Saturday, December 12, 2009




100. The Devil Wears Prada (盗版DVD)
94. An Inconvenient Truth (盗版DVD)
93. 十面埋伏 (盗版DVD)
92. Dirty Pretty Things (盗版DVD)
85. The Piano Teacher (盗版DVD)
84. Hotel Rwanda (Canal+)
83. The Wind That Shakes The Barley (盗版DVD)
82. 一一 (盗版DVD)
66. City Of God (盗版DVD)
61. 千与千寻 (盗版DVD)
52. The Constant Gardner (盗版DVD)
48. Little Miss Sunshine (Canal+)
38. Mulholland Drive (盗版DVD)
37. 花样年华 (盗版DVD)
30. Irreversible (盗版DVD)
17. Brokeback Mountain (盗版DVD)
13. This Is England (Canal+)
12. The Lives Of Others (盗版DVD)
11. Borat (盗版DVD)
9. The Queen (盗版DVD)
8. Casino Royale (影院)
7. The Last King Of Scotland (Canal+)
6. Slumdog Millionaire (下载)
3. No Country For Old Men (Canal+)
2. The Bourne Supremacy / The Bourne Ultimatum (盗版DVD)
1. Cache (Canal+)