Friday, September 28, 2007



中午上网,看到老罗在他的博客上转发了International Fellowship of Reconciliation号召今天穿红色T恤的通告:

A world wide campaign is going on now to support the people in Burma. There is a signifigant group at Facebook, discussion boards are buzzing and this sms-message is being sent to thousands right now: In support of our incredibly brave friends in Burma: May all people around the world wear a red t-shirt on Friday, September 28. Please forward!


虽然我对那些僧侣们和那位被软禁的美丽女性充满了敬意,其实能做的也只是穿一件红色的T恤和在心里为他们祈祷了。其实心里是充满了悲哀的,因为我其实都不 确定如果这样的行动发生在这里,我是否还会象18年前那样走在队伍中;我甚至不知道自己是否会有连岳那样的散步的勇气。于是对自己充满了鄙视。

这几天恐怕尴尬的不只是缅甸军政府吧。某些集团估计也很难受,实在是左右为难啊。坚持所谓不干涉别国内政的立场吧(他们现在其实就是这么做的),无疑是 Darfur之后再一次在全世界面前丢脸;与国际主流声音同声谴责吧,又等于是抽了自己历史的嘴巴。这只能叫活该,我一点不同情你们。

May peace and freedom be bestowed on Burma! May Ang San Suu Kyi join the people she loves in triumphant celebrations!

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