Friday, December 8, 2006


"I rarely forward stuff to you even though it may have its merit but feel compelled to do so by this one.
Thank you."

美国电影的 消息:这部电影已经正式获选参加明年1月的圣丹斯电影节,不过这部电影进入主流影院的机会微乎其微;这部电影最不应该由美国人来拍,这部电影由美国人来拍 又是最能发挥它的力量的;这部电影最不应该被盗版,如果盗亦有道的话这部电影又是盗版商最应该去盗的,因为它理应被展映在最广泛的观众眼前。

我厌恶民族主义并且反感民族主义者;我不会无条件地反日;我不盲目地抵制日货;我同意刘晓波先生的观点:如果一个国家的政府为了私利而就自己国家的历史对 国民撒谎,这个政府就没有资格要求另一个国家的政府正视历史为前辈的罪行道歉。所以首要的是把历史的真相讲出来,无疑,美国人讲话的“嗓门”会吸引最多的 听众。不过如果打算通过这部电影来强化、合理化你的仇恨,那你多半会失望,因为它真正要讲的实际是大恶的环境中残留的勇气和善良。

投资人Ted Leonsis是AOL的副总裁和Washington Capitals冰球队的老板,他在自己的
博客中称这部电影是他的"labor of love"。为了让这部电影将来能在影院上映能在电视台播放,他甚至写了一封信给他的朋友们“求助”。这封信的原文附在朋友给我的email的附件中。我通常不在博客里转贴东西,but feel compelled to do so by this one:

Hello and thank you for your help.
Here is more specifically what we need as help.
I will create a form on the website and on my personal blog;it will say..
I have an interest in seeing the film when it comes to a theatre near me; or I want to watch the film on tv; or buy the dvd.
Email address..
Please have people fill out that form.
If I can show a lot of interest in the film,and its subject matter--that is way more important than getting people's comments.
I can then show that high level of human interest to studios and tv networks and show them why they must broadcast and distribute this film around the world.THAT is a much more positive way to handle the subject.
Please make sure that people get this message. We do not want to get into a debate on the film or the subject--as the film hasnt even been seen--we just want to show the industry that this film and its subject matter is important and the world wants to see it.
Please help me to create a buzz and a high level of interest in our wonderful film--I want to stay positive and stay on our higher calling. Thank you all. Ted Leonsis


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