在公司上厕所的时候偶尔会遇到一个令人困惑的哲学问题:你走进去的时候发现厕所不干净,这时候你有 两个选择,自己动手清理,或者置之不理。选择第一项的结果不仅是你做了份外且不是很有趣的事,而且间接鼓励了之前的人的不良行为;选择第二项的结果不仅是 自己没有做有益他人的事情,而且如果出门的时候正好有人在门口排队等候,后来的人会觉得是你留下的赃物(pun intended)。在这种情况下换班你也有两个选择:主动解释坏事不是你干的,或者笑一笑就当什么也没发生。选择第一项的结果是你在后面这个同事的眼里 不仅是fussy,而且还是sick,是陷自己于不仁;选第二项的结果是让同事体会同你几分钟以前的不爽,是陷别人于不义。这种状态哲学上叫做 paradox。
这篇是在看Liverpool客场对Wigan的比赛的时候写的。Watching Liverpool playing has become such a miserable experience nowadays that I can't bear staring at the screen for more than 3 minutes without taking care of something more interesting. Well, it doesn't matter really as we're throwing the game, and the season, away anyway.
这篇是在看Liverpool客场对Wigan的比赛的时候写的。Watching Liverpool playing has become such a miserable experience nowadays that I can't bear staring at the screen for more than 3 minutes without taking care of something more interesting. Well, it doesn't matter really as we're throwing the game, and the season, away anyway.